姚麗,山西朔州人,中共黨員。主要研究方向為增敏型/抗干擾型納米生物傳感器的構建、食品安全快速檢測技術基礎理論與應用研究。2009年8月至2020年6月在合肥工業(yè)大學食品與生物工程學院完成本科、碩士、博士階段學習(2018年10月前往美國北達科他州立大學聯合培養(yǎng)一年),2020年7月進入合肥工業(yè)大學材料學院博士后流動站,2023年4月期滿出站,2023年6月入職長沙理工大學食品與生物工程學院。近五年承擔基礎科研項目6項(包括承擔國家重點研發(fā)計劃青年科學家項目課題1項、安徽省重點研發(fā)計劃項目-科技強警專項1項,安徽省重點研發(fā)計劃項目子課題1項),完成企業(yè)委托項目2項;在Analytical Chemistry、Biosensors and Bioelectronics、Food Chemistry、Food Control等SCI期刊發(fā)表一區(qū)論文30余篇(其中以第一作者/通訊作發(fā)表論文15篇),參編英文學術專著2部,申請中文發(fā)明專利8件(其中授權5件)。擔任Journal of Future Foods第一屆青年編委。
研究生:《食品生物技術專題》 《食品生物工程》
1. 食品安全快速檢測
2. 納米生物傳感的構建及其在檢測中的應用
1.國家重點研發(fā)計劃“食品營養(yǎng)與安全關鍵技術研發(fā)”重點專項 青年科學家項目, 新型食品全鏈條風險因子高效識別與精準檢測關鍵技術研究, 2022YFF1102900, 2022.12-2026.12, 200萬元, 課題負責人(經費60萬);
2.安徽省重點研發(fā)計劃項目-科技強警專項, 合成大麻素現場緝查便攜式快速檢測裝置研發(fā)與應用示范, 2022k07020009, 2022.01-2024.12, 30萬元, 主持;
3.安徽省重點研發(fā)計劃項目, 綠色食品中食源性致病菌光學傳感新技術研究與應用, 2022f04020003, 2022.01-2024.12, 50萬元, 課題負責人(經費10萬);
4.長沙理工大學科研啟動經費,基于Gd-MOF構建T1磁弛豫開關傳感體系用于谷物中危害因子檢測研究, (02)00012-159, 2023.06-2026.06, 12 萬元;
5.合肥工業(yè)大學青年教師科研創(chuàng)新啟動專項, 基于膜基質SERS基底的制備及其在汞離子增敏檢測中的應用, JZ2021HGQB0186, 2021.05-2023.04, 5萬, 主持, 已結題;
6.2020年度廣東省食品質量安全重點實驗室開放基金課題, 基于SERS解碼技術的食品中常見抗生素的檢測, 2020KF001, 2020.08-2022.07, 5萬, 主持, 已結題.
7.企業(yè)委托項目, 大腸桿菌側向層析核酸快速檢測試紙研發(fā), 2021.10-2022.06, W2021JSKF0879, 6萬元, 主持, 已結題;
8.企業(yè)委托項目, 糖化血紅蛋白側向層析膠體金快速檢測試紙研發(fā), W2021JSKF0609, 2021.07-2021.12, 8萬元, 主持, 已結題。
[1]Yao Li, Liu Guodong*, Chen Wei*, et al. Simultaneous and accurate screening of multiple genetically modified organism (GMO) components in food on the same test line of SERS-integrated lateral flow strip. Food Chemistry, 2022, 366, 130595. (IF= 8.5, 中科院一區(qū), Top期刊)
[2]Yao Li, Chen Wei*, Qin Panzhu*, et al. Performance improved fluorescence polarization for easy and accurate authentication of chicken adulteration. Food Control, 2022, 133, 108604. (IF= 5.6, 中科院一區(qū), Top期刊)
[3]Yao Li, Chen Wei*, et al. In Vitro Isothermal Nucleic Acid Amplification Assisted SurfaceEnhanced Raman Spectroscopic for Ultrasensitive Detection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89: 9775-9780. (IF= 6.7, 中科院一區(qū), TOP/自然指數期刊)
[4]Yao Li, Xue Feng*, Chen Wei*, et al. MWCNTs based high sensitive lateral flow strip biosensor for rapid determination of aqueous mercury ions. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2016, 85: 331-336. (IF= 10.7, 中科院一區(qū), TOP期刊)
[5]Yao Li, Chen Wei*, et al. Integrated platform with magnetic purification and rolling circular amplification for sensitive fluorescent detection of ochratoxin A. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015, 74: 534-538. (IF= 10.7, 中科院一區(qū), TOP期刊)
[6]Yao Li, Xia Quan*, Chen Wei*, et al. Rapid and direct concentration range judgment of lamotrigine in plasma by the multi test lines with different detection limits on the same lateral flow strip. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2022, 1192, 339347. (IF= 5.7, 中科院二區(qū), Top期刊)
[7]Yao Li, Chen Wei*, et al. Rapid and sensitive detection of Hg2+ with a SERS-enhanced lateral flow strip. Analyst, 2022, 147, 4337. (IF= 3.6, 中科院三區(qū))
[8]Yao Li, Xu Jianguo*, Chen Wei*, et al. Determination of 17β-Estradiol by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy merged with hybridization chain reaction amplification on Au@Ag core-shell nanoparticles. Microchimica Acta, 2019, 186: 52-60. (IF= 5.3, 中科院二區(qū))
[9]Yao Li, Chen Wei*, et al. Paper matrix-based array for rapid and sensitive optical detection of mercury ions using silver enhancement. Microchimica Acta, 2016, 184(2): 1-8. (IF= 5.3, 中科院二區(qū))
[10]Yang Xingyu#, Yao Li#, Xu Zhou*, et al. High stabilily hydrogel magnetic relaxation switch sensor driven by pH for the sensitive detection of Cd2+. Analytical Chemistry, 2024, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.analchem.4c02349. (IF= 6.7, 中科院一區(qū), TOP/自然指數期刊)
[11]Li Bin, Yao Li*, Chen Wei*, et al. Filtration assisted pretreatment for rapid enrichment and accurate detection of Salmonella in vegetables. Food Science and Human Wellness, 2023, 12: 1167-1173. (IF= 5.6, 中科院一區(qū),Top期刊))
[12]Wang Haoyu, Yao Li*, Huang Lin*, Qin Panzhu*, et al. CRISPR/Cas9 bridged recombinase polymerase amplification with lateral flow biosensor removing potential primer-dimer interference for robust Staphylococcus aureus assay. Sensors and Actuators B : Chemical, 2022, 369, 132293. (IF= 8.0, 中科院一區(qū), Top期刊)
[13]Qin Panzhu, Yao Li*, Chen Wei*, et al. Rational incorporating of loop-mediated isothermal amplification with fluorescence anisotropy for rapid, sensitive and on-site identification of pork adulteration. Food Control, 2022, 137, 108863. (IF= 5.6, 中科院一區(qū), Top期刊)
[14]Chen Yinji#, Yao Li#, Chen Wei*, et al. Rapid and ultrasensitive colorimetric detection of mercury (II) by chemically initiated aggregation of gold nanoparticles. Microchimica Acta, 2015, 182: 2147-2154. (IF= 5.3, 中科院二區(qū))
[15]Yang Xingyu#, Yao Li#, Cheng yunhui*, Xu Zhou* et al. Efficient recovery of genistein from soy sauce residue via UiO-66-F4(Zr) modified with hydrophobic ligands. Chemical Physics Letters, 2024, 846: 141323. (IF= 2.8, 中科院三區(qū))
[16]陳琦, 祁秋景, 鄭新勇, 王龍, 宋昕, 姚麗*. 指紋汗液中嗎啡現場快速檢測方法的建立. 分析科學學報, 2022, 38: 591-598 (CSCD期刊)
[17]姚幫本, 陳趙然, 閆超, 喬冬晴, 程繼貴, 陳偉, 姚麗*. 側向層析免疫試紙法快速檢測蔬菜中的腐霉利. 食品安全質量檢測學報, 2021, 12(02): 479-485.(北大核心期刊)
[1]陳偉; 姚麗; 祁秋景; 宋昕; 陳林; 徐建國; 用于毒品指紋汗液檢測的便攜裝置, 2021-04-19, CN202120798888.3
[2]陳偉; 姚麗; 滕軍; 鐘友好; 陳玉英; 鄧怡; 碳納米管標記的試紙、其制備方法及快速檢測Hg2+的方法, 2016-08-31, CN201610220203.0
[3]陳偉; 黃琳; 趙弟萍; 姚麗; 強抗基質干擾型雙酚A上轉換熒光層析試紙條的制備方法, 2014-06-18, CN201410109117.3
[4]宋昕; 鄭新勇; 王龍; 王晨雪; 劉宸; 何寬; 姚麗; 陳偉; 用于毒品檢測的采樣裝置及檢測系統, 2021-12-10, CN202123092836.3
[5]徐建國; 陳偉; 閆超; 秦盼柱; 姚麗;一種檢測microRNA-21的電化學傳感器、其制備方法及應用, 2018-12-13, CN201811523457.5
[1]Yao Li, Teng Jun, and Chen Wei*. “Aptamer-Based Technologies in Foodborne Pathogen Detection.” Nanosensing and Bioanalytical Technologies in Food Quality Control, Springer, 2022.
[2]Xu Jianguo, Yao Li, Cheng Lin, Yan Chao, and Chen Wei*. “Development of Aptamer-Based Electrochemical Methods.” Aptamers for Analytical Applications: Affinity Acquisition and Method Design, Willey publishing, 2018.
[3]主編(陳偉 姚麗),編委(蔡芬 李鑫妮 吳倩). 中華傳統食材第三十卷-傳統食品添加劑, 合肥: 合肥工業(yè)大學出版社, 2022.
蔬菜中腐霉利快速檢測 膠體金免疫層析法, DB34/T 3891-2021. (文件主要起草人:姚幫本、陳偉、姚麗、陳趙然、李云、閆超、等)