發(fā)布時間: 2023-10-30 14:12:06 瀏覽量:
長沙理工大學計算機學院研究生導師基本信息表 |
1、個人基本信息: |
姓 名:劉朋露 |
性 別:男 |
出生年月:1990.10 |
技術(shù)職稱:講師 |
畢業(yè)院校:西北工業(yè)大學 |
學歷(學位):工學博士 |
所在學科:信息與通信工程 |
研究方向:多天線無線通信、多址接入、資源分配、機器學習 |
2、教育背景: |
鄭州大學西亞斯國際學院 |
學士 |
2014.09----2017.06 |
西安郵電大學 |
碩士 |
2017.09----2022.12 |
西北工業(yè)大學 |
博士 |
3、 目前研究領域: |
基于超大規(guī)模天線陣列的近場通信、基于非正交傳輸?shù)乃俾史至讯嘀方尤?、基于機器學習的無線通信系統(tǒng)資源分配。 |
4、已完成或已在承擔的主要課題: |
1、湖南省教育廳項目,面向波束寬度控制和三維波束賦形的RSMA方案研,2024/12-2026/12,主持。 2、華為,華為博士研究生學術(shù)資助計劃,2021/6-2023/4,主持。 3、上海交通大學,近場超大規(guī)模MIMO無線傳輸關(guān)鍵技術(shù)研究,2024/2-2027/12,參與。 2、湖南省教育廳項目,孿生-模型驅(qū)動的車聯(lián)網(wǎng)邊緣計算卸載及資源協(xié)同研,2023/12-2023/12,參與。 3、湘江實驗室,數(shù)字孿生驅(qū)動的智慧交通算網(wǎng)融合邊緣計算卸載和資源協(xié)同研究,2024/1-2024/12,參與。 |
6、已發(fā)表的學術(shù)論文: |
1. Penglu Liu, X. Dong, Y. Li, W. Cheng and W. Zhang, "Rate-Splitting Multiple Access Scheme Based on Frequency Diverse Array," in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 12, no. 12, pp. 2108-2112, Dec. 2023.(SCI,中科院二區(qū)) 2. Penglu Liu, Y. Li, W. Cheng, X. Dong and L. Dong, "Active Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided RSMA for Millimeter-Wave Hybrid Antenna Array," in IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 71, no. 9, pp. 5287-5302, Sept. 2023.(SCI,中科院二區(qū),Top) 3. Penglu Liu, Y. Li, W. Cheng, X. Gao and X. Huang, "Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided NOMA for Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO With Lens Antenna Array," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no. 5, pp. 4419-4434, May 2021. (SCI, 中科院二區(qū),Top) 4. Penglu Liu, Y. Li, W. Cheng, X. Gao and W. Zhang, "Multi-Beam NOMA for Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO With Lens Antenna Array," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 11570-11583, Oct. 2020. (SCI,中科院二區(qū), Top) 5. Penglu Liu, Y. Li, W. Cheng, W. Zhang and X. Gao, "Energy-Efficient Power Allocation for Millimeter Wave Beamspace MIMO-NOMA Systems," in IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 114582-114592, 2019.(SCI,中科院二區(qū)) 6. Penglu Liu, Y. Li, W. Cheng, W. Zhang and X. Gao, "Energy Efficient Power Allocation Design for Beamspace MISO Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Systems," 2019 IEEE International Conference on Signal, Information and Data Processing (ICSIDP), 2019, pp. 1-5.(EI) 7. 劉朋露,楊潔.基于壓縮感知DOA估計的稀疏陣列設計[J].電訊技術(shù),2017,57(04):382-386. (核心期刊) 8. 楊潔(導師),劉朋露.基于遺傳算法的壓縮感知DOA測量矩陣設計[J].西安郵電大學學報,2016,21(06):93-97. (核心期刊) 9. Q. Zhai, L. Dong, W. Cheng, Y. Li and Penglu Liu, "Joint Optimization for Active IRS-Aided Multicluster NOMA Systems," in IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 6691-6694, Dec. 2023. 10. X. Gao, Y. Li, W. Cheng, Penglu Liu and G. Shi, "Fairness Secure Transmission for mmWave NOMA System with Internal Eavesdroppers," 2021 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), 2021, pp. 92-96. (EI) 11. X. Gao, Y. Li, W. Cheng, G. Shi, Penglu Liu and Y. Zheng, "Secure Transmit Optimization Based on QoS for MISOMEs Channel with Artificial Noise aided," 2019 IEEE International Conference on Signal, Information and Data Processing (ICSIDP), 2019, pp. 1-5.(EI) 12. W. Zhang, H. Li, Penglu Liu, et. al., "Sequence Detection Based Adaptive Beam Alignment Method for Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO Communication Systems, " Physical Communication. vol.41, pp:1-15, 2020. 13. W. Zhang, H. Li, R. Jin, S. Wei, and Penglu Liu, "Distributed Structured Compressive Sensing-based Time-Frequency Joint Channel Estimation for Massive MIMO-OFDM Systems". Mobile Information Systems, 2019(4), 1-16. |
7、 所獲學術(shù)榮譽及學術(shù)影響: |
2020年08月 獲得國家公派留學資格,公派留學于University of Victoria 2021年03月 獲得“西北工業(yè)大學2019-2020學年九州獎學金” |
8、 聯(lián)系方式 |
電子郵箱:LPL@csust.edu.cn |