報告承辦單位: 長沙理工大學數學與統計學院
報告內容: Spectral Gap for Measure-Valued Diffusion Processes
報告人姓名: 任盼盼
報告人所在單位: 英國牛津大學
報告人職稱/職務及學術頭銜: 博士后
報告時間: 2019年3月27日周三下午2:00
報告地點: 理科樓A-419
報告人簡介: 任盼盼本科、碩士研究生、博士研究生畢業(yè)于Swansea University, 現為牛津大學的博士后,合作導師為錢仲民教授,在JDE等期刊上發(fā)表多篇學術論文。
報告摘要:The spectral gap is estimated for some measure-valued processes, which are induced by the intrinsic/extinsic derivatives on the space of finite measures over a Riemannian manifold. These processes are symmetric with respect to the Dirichlet and Gamma distributions arising from population genetics, where in addition to mutations and selections modelized by the Fleming-Viot processes, diffusions of individuals are also included. This talk is based on a joint work with Professor Feng-Yu Wang.