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發(fā)布日期:2011年06月03日 來源: 作者:


529上午1040,我校湖湘學者特聘教授、中國科學院大連化學物理研究所百人計劃學者、國家重點課題航天催化與新材料研究室材料熱化學課題組組長孫立賢教授應(yīng)邀在我校舉辦的2011化學工程與先進材料國際學術(shù)會議(CEAM 2011大會上做了題為《New Hydrogen Storage Materials and Phase Change Materials》的主題報告(Keynote Speech)。報告會在長沙市五華大酒店湘江廳舉行,長沙理工大學副校長付宏淵教授、長沙理工大學科技處處長劉永樂教授、美國紐約州立大學(State University of New York at Binghamton,USA)鐘傳建教授、澳大利亞詹姆斯庫克大學(James Cook University,Australia)何英和教授、中科院長春應(yīng)用化學研究所/長沙理工大學化學與生物工程學院院長曹學強教授、湖南師范大學化學化工學院院長尹篤林教授、湖南大學化學化工學院向建南教授、長沙理工大學化學與生物工程學院常務(wù)副院長楊道武教授、長沙理工大學化學與生物工程學院副院長曹忠教授等出席了報告會,共有來自美國、英國、德國、日本、中國等15個國家和地區(qū)的500多名化工和材料方面的專家學者參加了報告會。





New Hydrogen Storage Materials and Phase Change Materials

Lixian Sun

Materials & Thermochemistry Laboratory, Dalian National Laboratory of Clean Energy, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian 116023, P. R. China

Email: lxsun@dicp.ac.cn



Studies of economic, highly efficient and safe hydrogen storage materials (HSMs) play an important role in the development of fuel cells in vehicles. The application of phase change materials (PCMs) for solar thermal-energy storage has received considerable attention in recent years due to their high storage density. The promising materials for HSMs including MHx: M= Mg, La, Ni, etc., alanate, borohydride and MOF and PCMs such as microencapsulated PCMs, etc. are presented.


Brief biography:

Prof. Dr. Lixian Sun,1994, Ph.D., Hunan University; 2/1995, Guest researcher (STA fellowship), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan; 5/1995, Aleaxander von Humboldt fellowship, Jena University, Germany; 1996-2002, Guest Professor (AIST/ITIT, NEDO fellowship) at AIST; 9/2001-present, Prof. and Group Leader of Material Thermochemistry, Dalian National Laboratory of Clean Energy, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (DICP-CAS); 2009, Director of Key Laboratory of Energy Materials and Thermochemistry, Liaoning Province. He is a guest professor by Changsha University of Science and Technology, Central South University, Dalian University of Technology, Jinan University etc..

Prof. Dr. Li-Xian Sun is a Counsellor of International Association of Chemical Thermodynamics (IACT). He serves in the editorial board of “Journal of Thermal Analysis Calorimetry”, “Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics”, “International Journal of Electrochemical Science”, etc.. In recent years, he was recipient of several awards such as "Hundred Talents program" from CAS, Excellent Expert of Dalian City and Science and Technology Award of Liaoning Province, etc..
   Prof. Dr. Li-Xian Sun got many research projects from IUPAC, MOST(863, 973), NSFC, etc.. So far, two book chapters, about 20 patents and more than 230 papers in the fields of hydrogen storage/production materials, phase change materials, themochemistry, biosensors, chemometrics and fuel cells, have been published.




