
Baoshan Huang

發(fā)布日期:2019年06月04日 來源: 作者:

Baoshan Huang,Edwin G. Burdette Professor (FT) The University of Tennessee.

Dr. Baoshan Huang received his Ph.D. degree in civil engineering from the Louisiana State University, his M.S. and B.S. degrees from Tongji University in Shanghai, China. Prior joining to the University of Tennessee in January 2002, he was a senior asphalt research engineer at the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LADOTD). His professional career includes over 25 years of experience in transportation and geotechnical engineering with academia, industry and government agencies. Dr. Huang has published over 140 peer reviewed journal papers that have received over 1600 Web of Science citations. He has also been awarded three US patents as the primary inventor.


Sustainable Geo/Transportation Infrastructure– Multi-Scale Characterization and Modeling of Infrastructure Materials;

Innovative Technologies Supporting Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Subsurface Infrastructure Systems;

Transportation Infrastructure Monitoring, Performance Simulation and Prediction;

Life Cycle Analysis and Optimization of Transportation Assets.


  • Louisiana State University, Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, 1994 – 2000

  • Tongji University, China, M.S. in Civil (Geotechnical) Engineering, 1985–1988

  • Tongji University, China, B.S. in Civil (Geotechnical) Engineering, 1980–1984

Employment History:

  • Edwin G. Burdette Professor (FT) The University of Tennessee, 2015–present

  • Professor (FT), The University of Tennessee, 2013–2015

  • Associate Professor (FT), The University of Tennessee, 200–2013

  • Assistant Professor (FT), The University of Tennessee, 2002–2008

  • Sr. Research Engineer (FT), Louisiana Transportation Research Center, 2001–2002

Profession Registration:

Louisiana P.E. Registration No. 27660 (Since Jan., 1998)

Externally Funded Research (after joining UTK – $7+ million; 2002 – 2017):

  • Principal Investigator, University of Tennessee Research Foundation (UTRF), “Higher-Value Added and Innovative Use of Biofuel Production Waste as Bio-modifier for Asphalt Binder,” 2017 – 2017, $15,000.

  • Principal Investigator, Tennessee Department of Environmental Conservation, “Evaluation of Ground Tire Rubber Modified Asphalt for use in Tennessee Pavements,” 2016 – 2017, $229,995.

  • Principal Investigator, University of Tennessee, “Partnership for Beneficial Use of Solid Wastes in Tennessee,” 2016 – 2018, $160,000.

  • Principal Investigator, Natural Science Foundation of China, “Research on Chemo-Physical Process of Post-mixing Diffusion between Virgin and Aged Binders in Asphalt Mixtures Containing Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP),” 2016 – 2019, $126,000.

  • Principal Investigator, FHWA/Tennessee DOT, “Evaluating Recycling Efficiency of Asphalt Plants,” 2015 – 2017, $240,000.

  • Principal Investigator, FHWA/Tennessee DOT, “Asphalt Mixture Design and Performance Properties –SHRP Gyratory Compactor,” 2015 – 2017, $234,000.

  • Co-Principal Investigator, “Maintenance Strategy for OGFC Pavements,” 2015 – 2017, $143,200.

  • Principal Investigator, FHWA/Tennessee DOT, “Evaluation of Geosynthetics Reinforcement in Flexible Pavement Structures Using Accelerated Pavement Testing,” 2015 – 2017, $268,000.

Funded Research

  • Principal Investigator, LADOTD/FHWA Research Project (95-5B), “Evaluation of Field Projects Using Crumb Rubber Modified Asphalt Concrete,” 2000 – 2005, Budget: $276,260

  • Principal Investigator, LADOTD/FHWA Research Project, “Evaluation of the Use of Recycled Polymer Modified Asphalt,” 2001 – 2004, Budget: $55,060

  • Co-principal Investigator, Louisiana DOTD SPR Research Project, “Development of Constitutive Equations to Evaluate the Behavior of Flexible Pavement System,” 2000 – 2001, Budget: $30,346

Journal Publications (ISI Web of Science H-Index = 27; Total Citations =2222as of 2/29/2017)

Partial Publications (ISI Web of Science Author Identifier: G-4974-2011)

  1. Dong, C., Q. Dong,B. Huang, W. Hu, S.S. Nambisan, “Estimating factors contributing to the frequency and severity of large truck-involved crashes,”ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A - Systems, Vol.143, No.8, 2017, Article No. 04017032.

  2. Chen, X., H. Zhu, Q. Dong, andB. Huang, “Optimal Thresholds for Pavement Preventive Maintenance Treatments Using LTPP Data,”ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A - Systems, Vol.143, No.6, 2017, Article No.04017018.

  3. Hu, W.,B. Huang, X. Shu and M. Woods, “Utilizing Intelligent Compaction Meter Values to Evaluate Construction Quality of Asphalt Pavement Layers,”Road Materials and Pavement Design, Vol.18, No.4, 2017, pp.980 – 991.

  4. Song, W., X. Shu,B. Huang, Y. Sun, H. Gong, and D. Clarke, “Laboratory Evaluation of Pressure Distribution under Steel and Timber Crossties in Railway Track,”ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, Vol.143, No.9, 2017, Article No. 04017046; doi: 10.1061/JTEPBS.0000075.

  5. Gong, H.,B. Huang, X. Shu, C. Zhou, S. Udeh, “Experience with local calibration of the mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide for Tennessee,”Road Materials and Pavement Design, Vol.18, Suppl.3, 2017, pp.130-138.

Patents and Inventions:

  1. Huang, B., X.P. Ye, S. Zhao, and X. Shu, Development of a Renewable Carbon-Based Bio-modifier for Asphalt Cement, US Patent No. 9,481,793 B2, November 1, 2016

  2. Huang, B., X. Shu and Hao Wu, A Novel Testing and Analysis System for Loaded Wheel Tester (LWT), US Patent No. 9,234,825 B2, January 12, 2016

  3. Huang, B., J. Cao and X. Shu, Rubber-Modified Cementitious Substance and Method of Making the Same, US Patent No. 7,985,786, July 2011

Conference Papers:

  1. Ding, Y.,B. Huang, and X. Shu, “Evaluation of Intermolecular Interaction between Virgin and Aged Asphalt Binders using GPC,” 4th Chinese European Workshop on Functional Pavement Design, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands, June 29th– July 1st, 2016.

  2. Gong, H.,B. Huang, X. Shu, C. Zhou, and S. Udeh, “Tennessee Experience with Local Calibration of the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide,” Transportation Research Congress, The National Convention Center, Beijing, China June 6 – 8, 2016

  3. Hu, W.,B. Huang, X. Shu, and M. Woods, “An Examination of Compaction Meter Value for Asphalt Pavement Compaction Evaluation,” Transportation Research Congress, The National Convention Center, Beijing, China June 6 – 8, 2016 (Best Paper Award)

  4. Dong, Q.,B. Huang, “Sample Size and Precision for Pavement Inspection in Maintenance Quality Assurance Program,” International Symposium on Frontiers of Road and Airport Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, October 26 – 28, 2015

  5. Ding, Y.,B. Huang, X. Shu, Y. Zhang, and M. Woods, “Use of Molecular Dynamics to Investigate Diffusion between Virgin and Aged Asphalt Binders,” 95thAnnual Conference of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 10 – 14, 2016


  • Associate Editor – Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE)

  • Editorial Board – Transportation Geotechnics (Elsevier)

  • Editorial Board – Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition)

  • Editor – Journal of Cleaner Production: VSI on Sustainable Paving Materials

  • Guest Editor – Special Issue on Innovative Paving Materials, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, to be appeared in 2016

Presentations (Conference and Invited Presentations):

  • Ding, Y.,B. Huang, and X. Shu, “Evaluation of Intermolecular Interaction between Virgin and Aged Asphalt Binders using GPC,” 4th Chinese European Workshop on Functional Pavement Design, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands, June 29th– July 1st, 2016.

  • Huang, B., “Understanding the Blending and Diffusion of Recycled Asphalt in Paving Mixtures,” Keynote Speechat the Transportation Research Congress, The National Convention Center, Beijing, China June 7, 2016

  • Gong, H.,B. Huang, X. Shu, C. Zhou, and S. Udeh, “Tennessee Experience with Local Calibration of the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide,” Transportation Research Congress, The National Convention Center, Beijing, China June 6 – 8, 2016

  • Hu, W.,B. Huang, X. Shu, and M. Woods, “An Examination of Compaction Meter Value for Asphalt Pavement Compaction Evaluation,” Transportation Research Congress, The National Convention Center, Beijing, China June 6 – 8, 2016 (Best Paper Award)

  • Dong, Q.,B. Huang, “Sample Size and Precision for Pavement Inspection in Maintenance Quality Assurance Program,” International Symposium on Frontiers of Road and Airport Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, October 26 – 28, 2015

  • Ding, Y.,B. Huang, X. Shu, Y. Zhang, and M. Woods, “Use of Molecular Dynamics to Investigate Diffusion between Virgin and Aged Asphalt Binders,” 95thAnnual Conference of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 10 – 14, 2016

  • Huang, B., “Laboratory Evaluation of Blending Efficiency of Asphalt Paving Mixtures Containing Reclaimed Asphalt Pavements and Shingles,” Guest Lectures at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, May 5, 2014.

  • Huang, B., “On Research Methodologies in Graduate Study,” Tongji University, March 20, 2014.

Graduate Students Supervised:

Graduated(9 PhD students, 10 thesis/project MS students, and 30+ non-thesis/project MS students)

Paper Reviewers:

  • Asphalt Paving Technology, Journal of AAPT

  • ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering

  • ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering

  • ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics

  • ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering

  • ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facility

  • ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation

Awards and Honors:

  • College of Engineering Research Achievement Award, The University of Tennessee in April 2016

  • Edwin G. Burdette Professorship, The University of Tennessee 2015 – 2020

  • Distinguished Adjunct Professor, School of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University, 2012 – present

  • Distinguished Adjunct Professor, Changsha University of Science and Technology, 2007 – 2012.

  • CEE Department Scholar Recognition Award, The University of Tennessee in April 2015

Professional Services:

  • Penal Member: NCHRP 9 – 55 (2013 – present)

  • Penal Member: NCHRP 45 – 12 (2014 – 2015)

  • Penal Member: NSF EAPSI 2015, 2014, 2011

  • Penal Member: NSF SBIR 2012, 2013

  • Penal Member: NSF CMMI 2011, 2012, 2016

  • Associate Editor (2003 – present), ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering

  • Organizer and Session Chair, International Symposisum of Climatic Effects on Pavement and Geotechnical Infrastructure (ISCEPGI), Fairbanks, Alaska, August 4-7, 2015

University Services:

  • Faculty Search Committee (2014): Two construction faculty members

  • University of TennesseeFaculty Senator(2010 – 2013),Engineering Caucus Leader

  • Led a professional team of volunteers consisted of faculty and students to Fond-des-Blanc, Haiti in September 2010 and developed a preliminary roadway design for a Haitian community

· Member: CEE Curriculum Committee (2015 – present)
