
Thobias Sando

發(fā)布日期:2019年06月04日 來源: 作者:

Thobias Sando,Professor, School of Engineering University of North Florida


Ph.D. Florida State University Civil Engineering (Transportation) 2002 – 2005

M.S. Florida State University Civil Engineering (Transportation) 2001 – 2002

University of Dares Salaam, Tanzania Civil Engineering 1995 – 1999


Aug 2018 – Present: University of North Florida – Full Professor Jan 2015 – August 2017: Civil Engineering Program Coordinator

Aug 2013 – July 2018: University of North Florida – Associate Professor Aug 2007 – July 2013: University of North Florida – Assistant Professor

Jan 2007 – Aug 2007: Reynolds, Smith & Hills, Inc. – Transportation Engineer Jan 2006 – Dec 2006: Connelly & Wicker Inc. – Roadway Design Engineer

Jan 2001 – Dec 2005: Florida State University – Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant


? Transit Intermodal Facility Design

? Statistical and Econometric Modeling for Transportation Safety and Operations

? Network Traffic Flow Modeling and Simulation

? Applications of Global Positioning System (GPS) in Transportation

? Applications of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in Transportation


· 2016 – Present University adjunct affairs committee

· 2015 – 2016 Member, Coastal Engineering faculty search committee

· 2015 – 2016 Member, Construction Management faculty search committee 2015 – 2017 Coordinator, Civil Engineering Program

· 2015 – Present Member, University Academic Programs Committee 2015 – Present Chair, College Curriculum Committee

· 2014 – 2016. Member, College Technology Committee


UNF Office of Sponsored Research Programs

Platinum star award: for accruing $1 million in sponsored activities. April 2017

Florida Engineering Society (FES)

Engineering Faculty Member of the Year, 2008.

School of Engineering at UNF

Civil Engineering Professor of the Year, 2007-2008.


· Alluri, P (PI) [FIU] andSando, T(Co-PI). “Strategies to Identify and Mitigate Secondary Crashes using Real-time Traffic Data on Florida’s Turnpike System”, Funded by the Florida Department of Transportation, Eric Gordon (Project Manager), December 1, 2018 to November 30, 2020. $220,000 [UNF portion = $105,000].

· Alluri, P (PI) [FIU] andSando, T(Co-PI). “Developing Florida-specific Mobility Enhancement Factors (MEFs) and Crash Modification Factors (CMFs) for TSM&O Strategies”, Funded by the Florida Department of Transportation, Raj Ponnaluri (Project Manager), October 1, 2018 to March 31, 2020. $215,000 [UNF portion = $105,000].

· Kobelo, D. (PI),Sando, T. (Co-PI), and Dulebenets, M. (Co-PI). “Developing an Algorithm using the Connected Vehicles Technology to Enhance Aging Drivers’ Freeway Merging Maneuver”, Funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), November 1, 2018 to June 30, 2020. $199,517.87.

· Sando, T(PI) and Alluri, P (Co-PI)[FIU]. “Exploring the Modified Procurement Framework for Expediting Florida Connected Vehicle (CV) Deployment”, Funded by the Florida Department of Transportation, Raj Ponnaluri (Project Manager), February 1, 2018 to February 28, 2019. $105,000.

· Sando, T(PI), Chuan, C (Co-PI) and Alluri, P (Co-PI)[FIU]. “Evaluation of Incident Response Improvements for Statewide Application: Learning from the New Regional Traffic Management Center in Jacksonville, FL”, Funded by the Florida Department of Transportation, Peter Vega (Project Manager), January 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018. $180,000.


Dulebenets, M., Boot, W., Moses, R.,Sando, T., Ozguven, E., Abioye, O., Kavoosi, M., and Pasha. “Exact and Heuristic Solution Algorithms for Efficient Emergency Evacuation in Areas with Vulnerable Populations”. Accepted for publication at the International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.

Kitali, A., Alluri, P.,Sando, T., and Wu, W. “Identification of Secondary Crash Risk Factors using Penalized Logistic Regression Model”. Accepted for publication at the Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.

Kitali, A., Alluri, P., andSando, T. “Impact of Primary Incident Spatiotemporal Influence Thresholds on the Detection of Secondary Crashes”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.

Kidando, E., Moses, R.,Sando, T., and Ozguven, E. E., "Assessment of Factors Associated with Travel Time Reliability and Prediction: An Empirical Analysis using Probabilistic Reasoning Approach", Accepted for Publication in the Journal of Transportation Planning and Technology, 2019.

Haule, H.,Sando, T., Kitali, A., and Richardson, R. “Investigating Proximity of CrashLocations to Aging Pedestrian Residences”. Journal of Accident Analysis & Prevention. Volume 122, 2019, pp. 215-225.


1. Haule, H.,Sando, T., Lentz, R., Chuan, C., and Alluri, P. Evaluating the Impact and Clearance Duration of Freeway. Accepted for the Transportation Research Board's 97th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, January 7-11, 2018.

2. Kitali, A., Kidando, E.,Sando, T., Moses, R., Ozguven, E. Predicting the Likelihood of Aging Pedestrian Severe Crashes Using Dirichlet Random-Effect Bayesian Logistic Regression Model. Accepted for the Transportation Research Board's 97th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, January 7-11, 2018.

3. Haule, H.,Sando, T., Kitali, A., Angel, M., and Ozguven, E. Influence of Intersection Characteristics on Elderly Driver Crash Involvement. Accepted for the Transportation Research Board's 97th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, January 7-11, 2018.

4. Njobelo, G.,Sando, T., Sajjadi, S., Mtoi, E., Sobanjo, J., and Ozguven, Safety Evaluation of the Advanced Stop Assist System in Connected Vehicle Environment Accepted for the Transportation Research Board's 97th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, January 7- 11, 2018.

5. Njobelo, G.,Sando, T., Sajjadi, S., Mtoi, E., Dulebenets, M., and Sobanjo, J. Enhancing The Green Light Optimized Speed Advisory System to Incorporate Queue Formation. Accepted for the Transportation Research Board's 97th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, January 7-11, 2018.


1. Sando, T., Mbatta G., and Moses, R. “A Proposed Procedure for Developing Transit Station Design Criteria with a Focus on Intermodal Connectivity”. Paper in Proceedings of the Institute of Transportation Engineers 2009 Annual Meeting and Exhibit. San Antonio, Texas, August 2009.

2. Sando, T., Mbatta, G, and Moses, R. “Development of the Design Handbook for Bus, Rapid Transit & Rail Projects in Florida”. Paper presented at the Bi-Annual FDOT Design Conference in Orlando, FL, August, 2008.

3. Sando, T. “The Influence of Daylight Savings Time in PM Peak Travel Pattern on I-95 Corridor in Jacksonville, FL”. Paper presented at the 49th Annual Forum of the Transportation Research Forum. Fort Worth, TX, March 2008.


Graduated (As Major Advisor)

1. Michelle Angel, “The Effects of Rain on Traffic Safety and Operations on Florida Freeways”, December 2014

2. Hung Hoang, “Safety Implications of Transit Operator Schedule Policies”, April 2016

3. Lina A. Lwambagaza, “Modeling Older Driver Behavior on Freeway Merging Ramps”, July 2016

4. Angela E. Kitali, “Bayesian Approach on Quantifying the Safety Effects of Pedestrian Countdown Signals to Drivers”, May 2017

5. Kelvin Machumu, “Enhancing the Existing Microscopic Simulation Modeling Practice for Express Lane Facilities”, July 2017

Graduated (As Committee Member)

1. Killian Paul Eckert, May 2013

2. Luis Homberto Montoya, April 2014

3. M. Hunter Bradesen, April 2015

4. Andrea P. Toro, June 2015

5. Carolina Burnette, July 2016
